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Great Values

Great Atmosphere

Dumbbell Rows, work out, sports, fitness, Alexandria, performance, strength, stronger, faster
Kettle Bell Swings, Thrive Fitness, functional training, fast paced
Goblet Squat, functional, movement, group classes, Thrive Fitness


Hate going to the gym only to feel subconscience about the way you look? Or how about feeling like you're being stared at the first time you attempt a new exercise you've never done before? We decided that typical gym culture hurt more people with their goals than helped them. So we decided to create our own culture, one we call The Den acutally, where everyone is part of the Pack, without the screaming, grunting and flexing!

We want you to be part of The Pack the moment you walk in the front door at Thrive. Like the famous theme song from Cheers says "Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name..." and we'll be just that. Friendships are built every day at Thrive and we plan to keep it that way! 


Thrive isn't just worried about getting its member's physical health back on track. Our focus is also on teaching life changes that will effect your overall mind, body and spirit including accountabilty through positive teamwork, constant pursuit of learning in order for self growth, and being passionate about one's life goals. 


When you're a part of Thrive, you're part of a family that wants you to not only get fit, but wants you to walk out the door after your workout with a new mentality, ready to knock down all of the other challenges you face in your daily life.


The rest is up to us to guide you in the right direction to get you where you want to go. Our certified staff will get you on track to a happier, healthier, stronger version of your current self. If you're ready to have more energy, feel stronger, and live a healthier lifestyle, set up an Orientation today to get started!

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