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February 2015- Jeff and Angie Osterhage

Jeff and Angie have been wonderful clients and have remained loyal to Thrive Fitness for all of these years. We appreciate their dedication and are proud to call them members of the pack. It's great to see a couple who cherishes their health and wellness while being great supporters to others including many of our newer members. Glad to have you guys as our first "couple spotlight"!

- Jerry & Kate Scarlato

What brought you to Thrive Fitness?

Angie- I love trying new things. Three years ago I heard about a new group fitness class at th gym. I tried it, loved it, and still love it.

Jeff- I was working out at Body Dynamics on my own, while Angie took Jerry's class. I gave it a try and the rest is history.

What are your fitness goals? Where do you see yourself in six months?

Angie- Healthier and physically stronger

Jeff- I would like to lose about 20+ pounds

What's your favorite song to work out to?

Angie- Wheel in the Sky by Journey

Jeff- Anything that's not by Journey (Angie's Favorite)

What's your favorite thing about working out at Thrive?

Angie- I love the combination of cardio and weights along with the constant change that makes me feel challenged.

Jeff- It makes you feel accountable if you miss a class, friends want to know why you weren't there. Class also makes us work hard to keep up

What's your favorite exercise you do at Thrive? Least favorite?

Angie- I really can't pick on favorite thing. I like it all, well not the sled. I hate pushing it. I hate pulling it. I hate looking at it!

Jeff-My favorite is the breathing stretch at the end. It lets you unwind and relax and also it means the workout it over!

What's your favorite healthy food?

Angie & Jeff- Grilled Salmon

What physical activity do you like to do when away from the gym?

Angie- Running, kayaking, and walking with my friend Liz

Jeff- Golf, kayaking, and basketball

Get to Know the Osterhages!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Exactly where we're at. We really like where we live. We have good friends and neighbors though living on a lake would be nice.

How did the two of you meet?

Angie- We were at the same Halloween party. He took a picture of me, but a mutual friend actually introduced us about two weeks later.

Jeff- We were at a Halloween party where she happened to be peeing on a tree.

If you could learn one new skill, what would it be?

Angie- Playing guitar

Jeff- Hunting

Do you have any kids? Tell us something about them!

Justin, 27, who is training to be a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army and Courtney, 24, who is a first year teacher at St. Mary's school. We are very proud of both of them.

What's the first thing you notice about people?

Angie- Their eyes

Jeff- If they look you in the eye and say hello when you approach them

Between the two of you, who is the best at singing in the shower?

Angie- If I'm the only one in the house, for sure me

Jeff- Probably Angie

Do you have any pets?

A cat- we're not sure what his name is. We think it's Kitty, or Cat, or Oliver....or could be Puma.

Are you usually late, early or right on time when arriving somewhere?

Angie- On time

Jeff- A little late

Who is the better driver?

Angie- Me for sure. There is absolutely no b*tching when I'm driving!


What is your favorite season?

Angie- Fall

Jeff- Summer

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